• February 12, 2025

Haryana Board Of School Education Declares Class 12 Results

On May 15, 2023, the Haryana Board of School Education, or HBSE declared its class 12 results online. Among all students, about 81.65% successfully cleared the exam while 18.35% of students could not make it. 

Thus, this year’s result shows a downfall of 5.43% as last year around 87.08 students cleared the class 12 end-term exam. Further analysis of the HBSE board class 12 results showed that this year girls scored greater than boys in the exam. 

Pass percentage in different categories

The pass percentage of girls came out to be 87.11% while that of boys came out to be 76.43%. Thus, girls scored about 10.68% more than boys this year. 

Further, the chairman of the HBSE board VP Yadav stated the pass percentage of government schools in Haryana was 80.66 percent this year. Students from private schools in Haryana scored a pass percentage of 83.23 percent.

A similar comparison between students from rural areas and urban areas showed that rural area students had a pass percentage of 83.51 while urban area students stood at 77.7 percent.

Image Source : https://www.livemint.com/lm-img/img/2023/05/15/600×338/results_1684113435448_1684113435573.jpg

Toppers of the HBSE board

This year in the Haryana board class 12 exams, girls outshined boys. The first three positions were secured by girls as Nancy topped the exams in Haryana. Nancy, a student of class 12 from Bhiwani’s Siwani scored 498 out of 500 marks and topped in class 12 in Haryana. 

Nancy is a student of the Nav Bharat Senior Secondary School located in Siwani of Bhiwani city of Haryana. The second position was secured by a girl from Karnal district in Haryana. Jasmit Kaur stood in second position this year by scoring 497 marks out of 500.

The third place was secured by three girls from Haryana. Priya from Ukalan, Kanuj of Jhajjar, and Mansi Saini of Rohtak jointly stood in the third position. All three girls scored 496 marks out of 500.

The topper of this year’s class 12 exams of the Haryana board Nancy is a commerce student. While checking her results, it was found that she scored full marks in mathematics, business studies, CPU, and accountancy. The only subject she lost marks in was English. Nancy scored 98 out of 100 in English.

Kanuj who stood in third place in Haryana is a topper in the science stream with 496 marks. Similarly, Mansi Saini also topped in the arts stream with 496 marks.

The overall pass percentage of the arts stream was 81.04% while that of commerce and science streams were 84.29 and 83.07 percent respectively. 

In terms of districts, Rewari, Mahendergarh, and Jind topped Haryana with 88.10%, 88%, and 87.69% respectively. Cities that performed poorly in Haryana this year were Faridabad, Palwal, and Nuh with 67.89%, 73.93%, and 74.27% respectively.

The Haryana Board of School Education or HBSE was established in 1969 in Haryana. This board was set up under the HBSE Act. This act was amended in 1970 and named the Haryana Act No. 2. 

Another name of the HBSE board is BSEH or Board of School Education Haryana. However, the board is more commonly known as the HBSE board.