• October 22, 2024

Focus now is on managing user data collected in the age of AI

Questions about the collection, management, and handling of user data are raised by Google’s new privacy policy, which grants it permission to use data that has been scraped to train its AI models.

The discussion now centers on what happens to all the information provided by users, which will eventually be used to train algorithms as AI becomes more and more common. One example is Google, which recently updated its privacy policies to permit the tech giant to collect user data for what it refers to as “training” its AI models. These will serve as the building blocks for services like Google Translate, the Bard AI chatbot, and the Cloud AI capabilities.

“In order to train Google’s AI models and create services like Google Translate, Bard, and Cloud AI capabilities, we may use data from publicly accessible web sources or from other public sources. Or, if information about your company is published on a website, we might index it and show it on Google services, according to Google’s new privacy statement, which is now applicable to all users.

Image Source : https://static.toiimg.com/thumb/msid-100342272,imgsize-1154160,width-400,resizemode-4/100342272.jpg

Microsoft has yet to reveal similar trends in the use of user data, as have other players who are driving the AI shift, such as Open AI, Amazon, and Meta. Mastek, an Indian technology services company, considers proper data handling to be crucial in the current environment.

Mastek has been involved in the process of building crucial public IT infrastructure in the UK, which includes the technology that drives the collection of London’s congestion charge on vehicles. even more so now that AI is involved. The CEO of another Indian tech company, Virtual Height IT Services, Himanshu Jaiswal, supports the adoption of blockchain technology by businesses to handle and store data more securely.