• February 28, 2025

Vistara Has Completed Transporting 50 Million Passengers

The airline celebrated as follows. In a unique fashion, the private airline Vistara commemorated transporting 50 million passengers. Since its inception, the airline Vistara has served 50 million passengers. The airline chose to honor the feelings they had fostered in their passengers over the years by honoring the significant occasion with a campaign called “#50MillionFeelings.”

The airline surprised its 50 millionth passenger with a surprise upgrade to Business Class, a trip of a lifetime, a gratis Gold Tier membership in the Club Vistara loyalty program, access to an exclusive club, assistance with luggage, and more! Additionally, the airline astonished passengers by offering cabin upgrades in Business Class and Premium Economy at all major hubs.

The anamorphic 3D display at the airports in Delhi, Mumbai, and Bengaluru, which captured 50 million customer feelings throughout the years, as well as the creative billboards in Delhi and Mumbai, were the highlight of this event, according to a statement from Vistara.

“We wanted to share our experience of flying 50 million customers, 50 million journeys, and #50Million Feelings because it was a significant milestone. According to Deepti Sampat, vice-president of marketing at Vistara, “as a key driver of this advertising effort, we decided to attempt something that’s innovative and eye-catching, thereby ensuring virality.”

Image Source : https://static.toiimg.com/thumb/msid-101450544,imgsize-17950,width-400,resizemode-4/101450544.jpg

We decided to use 3D anamorphic displays to introduce our ad in three important airports: Bengaluru, Mumbai, and Delhi. Customers were drawn in by the aircraft visual that first showed, and the story was concluded with a startling and lovely animation that emerged later, according to Sampat.

She continued, “This channel helped us to cut through the noise and provoked various emotions among clients concerning flying on Vistara and a sense of pride among personnel. Tata announced the merger of Air India and Vistara in November in an effort to compete with IndiGo, the dominant airline in India with a share of the market of more than 60%.